Today, our sexuality is an open-ended personal project; it is part of who we are, an identity, and no longer merely something we do.
                    ― Esther Perel

About Sex Therapy

When it comes to sex, our culture is at once obsessed and repressed. We are bombarded daily by images that make sex seem easy and empowering, all the while ignoring the complex realities of sexuality and intimacy in long-term relationships. 

One result of these mixed messages is that few of us fully develop our capacity for healthy desire and eroticism. Lacking concrete ways to tend to these important areas, we may internalize our “failures,” believing something is wrong with us or our bodies. We need more support in nurturing this unique area of lived experience.

My goal is to help you integrate love and a vital sexuality in order to have more fulfilling relationship experiences. I work with couples seeking to improve their dynamics around sex and intimacy. I also work with individuals wanting to reconnect with their sexual selves. I can help with low libido, conflict about sexual frequency, sexual aversion, sexual trauma, and more.

Discussing sexual issues, even with a compassionate professional, can be difficult. That is why I take a collaborative and co-creative approach. Together, we will find language that feels authentic for you and employ realistic solutions to develop the intimate life you want and deserve.

Benefits of Sex Therapy

  • Learn to communicate openly about sexual preferences and desires

  • Transform conflict around sexual issues

  • Re-centering pleasure, not performance, as the goal of being sexual

  • Integrate a healthy sexuality with other areas of your life (e.g. how to be both a sexual being and a parent)

  • Relinquish shame around sexual feelings, body image, and other anxieties

  • Establish or re-establish sexual boundaries following sexual trauma

  • Re-awaken sexual desire

  • Develop new sexual techniques and erotic scenarios

  • Practice erotic self-care

Common Reasons for Sex Therapy

Recommended Resources

  • Rekindling Desire, Barry McCarthy

  • Reclaiming Your Sexual Self: How You Can Bring Desire Back Into Your Life, Kathryn Hall

  • Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships, David Schnarch

  • The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus: How to Go Down on a Woman and Give Her Exquisite Pleasure, Violet Blue

  • The New Male Sexuality, Bernie Zilbergeld

  • Hold Me Tight, Sue Johnson

  • Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life, Emily Nagoski

  • Passionista: The Empowered Woman’s Guide to Pleasuring a Man, Ian Kerner

  • Mating In Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence, Esther Perel

  • She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide To Pleasuring a Woman, Ian Kerner

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