“If you put trust at the core of your relationship, you will build a fortress. If you don’t see trust as essential in your relationship, you will build a beautiful sand castle.”
― Terry Real
About Relationship Repair Therapy
For most of us, trust plays an enormous role in relationships. When we trust, we take the most tender aspects of ourselves and make them vulnerable to another’s actions. What the other person does or does not do with those important parts, and vice versa, ultimately defines the relationship. Trust is what makes possible the paradox of intimacy: we are simultaneously unguarded yet safe.
Relationships in distress are relationships in which partners can no longer trust. The need for emotional safety that is so vital for secure functioning is now up for debate. The answer to the critical questions “Do you see me? Do you hear me? Do I matter to you?” is “I’m really not sure.”
Sometimes trust is broken quite blatantly, as is the case with lying, infidelity, and other betrayals. But very often emotional safety is eroded through more subtle injuries or neglect. Couples frequently come to therapy without a clear understanding of how they got where they are. The fact is that most of us do not learn the skills necessary for cultivating great relationships, and it is only in the throes of crisis that we gain the motivation to do so!
Fortunately, the concepts of trust and secure emotional bonds needn’t be so nebulous as in decades past. Research is increasingly illuminating with incredible specificity the exact kinds of interactions that build love and connection. I often say that relationships are built and broken in 10-second increments. How partners respond in these pivotal “feeling moments” is crucial to the development of trust. If a feeling moment is met with compassion and generosity, the couple takes a step towards deepening their emotional bond. If it is dismissed, ignored, or worse, belittled, the couple takes a step towards alienation.
If both partners are willing, even trust that has been severely damaged can be rebuilt brick by brick. The process is not always pleasant; it often involves speaking and hearing difficult truths. But if a couple can weather the storm together, experience shows that on the other side is a kind of safety that often exceeds both partners’ expectations.
Note: Relationship Repair Counseling is most appropriate for those couples in which both partners have committed to salvaging the relationship. If either of you are on the fence, consider Discernment Counseling to assist you in getting unstuck.
Benefits of Relationship Repair Therapy
Identify and interrupt negative interactional patterns that erode trust and emotional safety
Learn more productive strategies for pursuing relationship needs
Become increasingly sensitive and responsive to one another’s vulnerabilities, which may differ considerably
Begin rebuilding broken trust systems
Learn to effectively manage “thirds,” including parents, children, friends, work, hobbies, substances, and other entities that can potentially interrupt a couple’s bond
Lear to respond more constructively to a partner who is experiencing emotional pain
Gain practical strategies for building more positive interaction
Learn how to de-escalate conflict to avoid “compound fractures”
Become “caretakers of one another’s nervous systems”
Learn to “turn towards” one another rather than away
Connect more body-to-body, or as I like to say, cultivate “love without words”
Build consistency and reliability while also cultivating novelty and play
Common Reasons for Relationship Repair Therapy
Nothing throws a couple into crisis quite like an affair, but an infidelity can also sound the alarm, snapping bother partners to attention. Research shows that as many as 2/3rds of couples survive an infidelity. I have personally worked with many couples who have not only navigated the crisis, but transformed their relationship into something way more fulfilling. Whether you’re still reeling and need some guidance, or you’re ready to re-envision your relationship post-affair, I am here to support you every step of the way.
I often think of drugs and alcohol as “thirds” that a couple must learn to manage together. I never moralize the use of substances, but if one person consistently turns towards a drink or a drug over their partner, trust is bound to be eroded even if the use falls short of full-blown “addiction.”
At more extreme ends, substance abuse can involve dishonesty, aggression, DWI’s, legal and financial troubles, and other consequences that shake trust at a foundational level. Mistrust can persist long after a partner has gotten sober or reduced the offending behavior. In fact, it’s not uncommon for those who feel abandoned by their partners’ substance use to feel equally abandoned by their recovery efforts!
Substance use is a complex phenomenon that deserves empathy, understanding, and a personalized approach that aligns with the individual and couple’s goals. Unfortunately, persons seeking help are often stigmatized and met with simplistic labels (“addict or not”). I have experience supporting individuals and couples using a variety of approaches including and beyond traditional 12 Step treatments. If your relationship has been affected by drug or alcohol use, I am here to help you and your partner build a plan that works for you.
Unlike many other, “-aholisms,” workaholism is socially accepted and even encouraged. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t disrupt a relationship. If you or your partner’s workload is impacting your connection, I am here to help you manage both of these important aspects of life. I can help you
-Renegotiate boundaries around work
-Effectively manage conflict about work and family
-Clarify priorities and goals
-Establish rituals of connection and carve out more couple time
-Improve quality of couple interactions
-Manage work stress that may be impacting relationship
Difficulties reaching orgasm, whether with a partner or alone, are a common reason for seeking sex therapy. The reasons are often multifaceted, involving physical, mental, emotional, and/or relationship factors. Together, we can sift through these pieces and emphasize the aspects of sexuality that are pleasurable to you while addressing those that are proving troublesome. Whether you’re desiring some new techniques, wanting to build sexual confidence, or needing to work through a difficult relationship dynamic, I can help you re-center pleasure as a focal point of your intimate life.
Relationships can be thrust into crisis by an explicit event, but they can also quietly slip into disrepair through neglect. In fact, research shows time and again that the number one reason for divorce is not infidelity, but emotional distance.
Many of us lack the tools to build the kinds of relationships we truly crave. We expect good connections to just “happen” and then are surprised when they don’t! Fortunately, we can develop the vision and the skills to cultivate emotional closeness. If your relationship has slipped into emotional distance (even, and perhaps especially, if only one partner thinks so), recognize how serious this situation is, and recognize that there is help available to you.
Often, partners erode one another’s trust in unintentional but extremely damaging ways. Some common unintentional betrayals include:
-Lying, whether straightforward deceit or lying to avoid conflict
-A non-sexual affair
-Conditional commitment
-Withdrawal of sexual interest
-Breaking promises
-Coldness or indifference
-Forming a coalition against a partner
-Unfairness around finances or housework
It’s easy to fall into the trap that a lack of malice ought to make the event less damaging. After all, no one wants to be the Bad Guy. But it’s important to realize just how destructive these incidents can be. The injury is often compounded when it is met with dismissiveness. If you or your partner have been on the receiving end of an unintentional betrayal, it’s time to get help!
Recommended Resources
The New Rules of Marriage, Terry Real
Hold Me Tight, Susan Johnson
An Emotionally Focused Workbook for Couples, Veronica Kallos-Lilly and Jennifer Fitzgerald
Divorce Busting: A Step-by-Step Approach to Making Your Marriage Loving Again, Michelle Weiner-Davis
Wired for Love, Stan Tatkin
Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether to Stay In or Get Out of Your Relationship, Mira Kirschenbaum
Mating In Captivity, Esther Perel

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